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Jugg'ler 128 Version 3.4b
Online browsable version of the German translation by Helmut Jungkunz.
dto., in MS-WORD format.  dto., in Rich Text format.

NZ-COM manual as PDF file (click to view, right-click to download).

Online browsable version of the German translation by Helmut Jungkunz.

RCPM manual as PDF file (click to view, right-click to download), Günter Radestock CP/M 2.2 BIOS für den CPC464 mit Vortex Speichererweiterung, in German.

ZCPR3 225K
ZCPR 3.3 User's Guide, by Jay Sage. In PDF format (click to view, right-click to download).

Z3Plus 400K
Z3Plus manual as PDF file (click to view, right-click to download).

Online browsable version of the German translation by Helmut Jungkunz.

Excerpts from the Irisha Personal Computer manual

The Irisha was a Russian CP/M computer, based on the KP580BM80A, an i8080 clone. The following parts have been finished until now. There are more to come.

  • Boot program listing, PDF 23K.
    This listing has been scanned and OCR'd, Russian texts have been translated to English.
  • Irisha CPU schematics, PDF 5.17M
    This PDF file contains a schematic of the CPU architecture, as well as the processor board circuit diagram. The original scans have just been optimized, no further processing. Therefore, the Russian legends have been preserved. Anyway, with a little knowledge of the cyrillic alphabet, they can be understood easily ;-) If not, just ask me.

  • Televideo TS 802H Manuals and System Software

    Digital Research CP/M Library and CP/M Documentation Project

    CP/M Manuals Archive. Here you'll find the DTP sources of the Digital Research CP/M Library. They are mostly in Lotus AmiPro and Microsoft Word format.