MaxiSweep Historical information -------------------------------- Late 88 Early versions, mainly to interested testers on MBBS Leconfield. 8901 First version generally released. 9004 Go command reorganised to allow larger programs. Suggested by David Aldred: Find and Wildcard-tag with attributes. Released to interested testers only. Problem reported with Delete and Erase. 9005 Problem with Delete and Erase corrected. Sugg. Richard Yorke & Shakib Otaqui: Go command, added parameters (copied into 80h and parsed into 5C & 6C). Sugg. Richard Yorke: Character for view one line put into patch area. 900516 Sugg. Shakib Otaqui: Command line to allow more than just logging a drive (implemented by allowing any string of commands to be entered on command line, at the cost of removing the old form of command line -- instead of MS B: to go straight into drive B, now type MS LB:). Multiple commands are separated by semicolon. 900517 Sugg. Shakib Otaqui: Command line to allow suppression of video, so that MS can be used rather like LRUN to select a program from a library, without the delay associated with video display and scrolling (which is not very fast on machines such as the Epson PX-8). Command '-'. Also command '+' to turn display back on. 900519 Idea from Dave Rand's PC NSWP: J command to jump to a file number in the directory to move around quickly. Probably of most use for going back to the top of the directory (J1) and for shorter command lines when libraries have several files with rather similar names. Sugg. Richard Yorke: Mask in patch area for character for view one line (makes case independant letter possible, e.g. L or l for line, instead of space). Most of the recipients of this version used Amstrad PCWs -- this meant that I had to read the files on a DOS machine, take them to a friend with both a PC and a PCW and copy across a serial link to the PCW. Unfortunately my shiny new 386 mangled some of the bytes (after strenuous efforts the supplier refunded my money). Moral: altho' CP/M may not be the leading edge of technology, sometimes "tried and trusted" is better. 900601 Cosmetic change to the menu. Reason for new version only to ensure corrupt 900519 is easy to identify and hopefully will not be further distributed. 900604 Rename sometimes resulted in the last file being removed from the display (though it was ok in the disk directory). Corrected. Check for .com in 'G' command omitted check of middle letter (because I hoped to implement .cqm and .czm support, but this is not available). Corrected. 900606 Fixed bug in new command line feature that prevented successful use of semicolon separator in most situations. Small changes to save a few bytes, reducing size of to 12K. 900609 Further slight space reductions. 900613,14 G command: Fix bug which caused 2nd param to overwrite 1st in FCB at 5Ch instead of 6Ch. Reset DMA address to 80h, as some programs assume that CP/M has set this up already. Further space reductions, but size is still over 11.5K and unlikely to get down to 11K. +/- commands added in library mode. 900618 P/V commands on an empty file produced garbage. Due to my thinking that XOR A, DEC A would set the carry flag (what's wrong with SCF, I hear you mutter -- quite right, I'm a bit rusty with Z80 code these days). This problem may also have affected other commands reading/copying files. It existed in version 880613 and probably earlier. Fixed. 900627 Incorporate multi-sector transfers (CP/M 3 only) when copying, as suggested by Oliver Pretzel. Copies large files more than twice as fast on an Amstrad PCW! Still under 12K. Released in MS-9007.LBR 900701 Some users want to use MS in submit files, and report problems. Changed to use BDOS function 11 instead of 6 in some places, which may help. This version released to a few selected users for testing. 900709 Configuration option to allow running under TurboDos, as requested by Martin Taylor. See MultiSectorIO in MSGLOB.MAC. In 'O' command ignore high bit when checking 'LBR'. Fixes problem notified by Terence O'Keeffe with library files that have been backed up by using PIP option [A]. "Unregistered" version created, with verbose message each time a disk is logged in. Registered version available to users sending at least 5 pounds sterling (or $7 US). This version distributed by PCW-World, and therefore ready-configured for the Amstrad PCW. Just over 12K again.