B29INST.DOC Installation program for B29.COM by Gary Conway Copyright (c) 1985,86 This and all associated files are copyrighted and given freely into the public domain. They may not be used in any way for commercial purposes without the expressed written consent of the author. FIRST: Rename the B29xxx.COM to B29.COM as that is the only filename that B29INST will recognize. SECOND: If your machine has video codes that you wish to install, get them handy. If you are going to install printer strings, then you should get them as well. You are allowed to install three printer strings. The installation program suggests the three standard character pitches, but it makes no difference what the strings are because B29 simply issues them to the printer at print time. One of them could, for example, be for double wide characters. THIRD: If you are not using a Kaypro 4-84, you MUST put NULL's in for the STATUS LINE PRESERVATION, REMEMBER CURSOR POSITION codes as these codes are only used on the Kaypro when using the built-in clock. You must also disable the CUSTOM CURSOR and CLOCK. FOURTH: Run B29INST.COM. The installation program will ask which drive has the B29.COM file to be installed. It then checks to see that it is a valid version, if it is, then the installation program presents a menu. ALL of the selections must be gone through to be sure that they are properly installed for your machine. NOTE: The older versions of B29INST.COM (below 3.0) will not allow changing the strings selectively, that is, B29INST did not read B29.COM to find what the current settings are so that you could change them. The older versions had default settings built-in, but you could change them. If you wanted to change just one of the strings, you would have to set all of them to the codes you wanted because B29INST didn't know what you had set before. All of the versions of B29INST.COM are compatible otherwise. * EOF