PROGRAM convert_from_type_to_type; VAR index,count : INTEGER; error_ind : INTEGER; size,cost : REAL; letter : CHAR; name,amount : STRING[12]; BEGIN index := 65; count := 66; cost := 124.678; amount := '12.4612'; letter := chr(index); (* convert integer to char *) size := count; (* convert integer to real *) index := round(cost); (* real to integer, rounded *) count := trunc(cost); (* real to integer, truncated *) index := ord(letter); (* convert char to integer *) str(count,name); (* integer to string of char *) val(amount,size,error_ind); (* string to real note that "err_ind" is used for return- ing an error code *) WRITELN('Name is ',name,' and size is ',size:10:4); END.