/* This program clears the top bit of the characters in text files. Just run it. The program will prompt for file names. */ #include crun2.lib #include conio2.lib #include file2.lib #define CZ 26 char fibuf[20],fobuf[20]; main() { int ichan,ochan; char ch; puts("Give full input file name: "); gets(fibuf); if((ichan=fopen(fibuf,"r"))==0) {puts("\nProgram aborted\n\n");exit();} puts("\nGive full output file name: "); gets(fobuf); if((ochan=fopen(fobuf,"w"))==0) {puts("\File opening error.\n\n");exit();} while(1) { ch=getc(ichan); ch=ch&127; putc(ch,ochan); if(ch==CZ)break; } fclose(ochan);exit(); } file: "); gets(fname); crlf(); cptr=fname; } else cptr=argv[1]; while((ch=*cptr)==' ')cptr++; count=1; w