Just a note about the copyright of this game in that it is NOT in the PUBLIC DOMAIN but having said that please feel free to copy it and pass it on to whoever you want the only condition being that you must not sell it. You may charge a REASONABLE copying fee however. Also I reserve the right to withdraw this program from any library/ user group/club whom I have reason to believe are selling it or charging an exorbitantly high copying fee. I retain full copyright to this game. On a similar note the RUNTIME.OVY file is not PD. It is only on the disk so as the README.COM which is written in MIX C will run. Mix C retain the copyright to it but give end-users permission to distribute it with command files such asd the README.COM I would also ask that if you are passing this game on please include all the files listed in the document MOUNTAIN.LST as they are very much a part of the overall game. Thank you. MOUNTAIN MAN - Copyright Conrad Callan 1991. TAIN.LST as they are very much a part of the overall game. Thank you. MOUNTAIN MAN - Copyright Conrad Callan 199