* DATE 04/25/85 20:29 * loosleaf.ref STOR CHR(peek (063)) TO dr REST from rdata additive * make sure index is in right order STOR 'Y' TO command ERAS STOR 'T' TO select @ 10,10 SAY 'This module print a loose leaf notebook report of the references' @ 11,10 SAY 'in the file on 8 x 11 tractor fed paper with the printer set at' @ 12,10 SAY '12 characters per inch. ' @ 14,10 SAY 'Do you want the report alphabetically by uthor or itle or' @ 15,10 SAY 'numerically by ode ? ' @ 15,40 GET select PICTURE '!' READ DO WHIL @(select,'ATC')=0 @ 15,40 GET select PICTURE '!' READ ENDD CLEA GETS DO CASE CASE select = 'A' SET index TO &dr.:&aindex CASE SELECT = 'T' SET index TO &dr.:&tindex CASE SELECT = 'C' SET index TO &dr.:&cindex ENDC RELE select @ 18,10 SAY 'Are you ready to proceed ? ' @ 18,40 GET command PICTURE '!' READ IF COMMAND = 'Y' IF printer = 'Y' SET print on ENDI SET MARGIN TO 5 STOR 0 TO items STOR t TO more GO TOP DO WHIL .NOT. EOF DO WHIL items < 3 ? ' ' ? ' Code: ' + code ENDIF ? ' Author: ' + author ? ' ' ? ' Title 1: '+ $(title1,1,60) ? ' '+ $(title1,61,60) ? ' Title 2: '+ title2 ? ' ' ? 'JrnlCite: '+ journal ? ' ' ? 'Ed-Trans: '+edtrans +' Edn: '+edition ? 'Pub data: '+publdat +' Pg #: '+pageno ? 'Lib data: '+librdat ? ' ' ? ' Chron: '+chron +' Type: '+type ? 'Wks disc: '+ $(worksdis,1,60) ? ' '+ $(worksdis,61,60) ? 'Comments: '+ $(comments,1,60) ? ' '+ $(comments,60,60) ? ' '+ $(comments,121,40)+ ' Updated: '+dayu ? ' ' STOR items + 1 TO items SKIP IF EOF STOR 5 TO items ENDI ENDD EJEC STOR 0 TO items ENDD EJEC ENDI command = 'Y' SET PRINT OFF SET ALTERNATE OFF SET index TO &dr.:&tindex RETU