* LIST.FMT @ 1, 7 SAY "L I S T T H E G E N E O L O G Y" @ 3, 0 SAY "Please turn the printer on and warn your wife that" @ 4, 0 SAY "you'll be making a lot of noise for a while !!" @ 6, 0 SAY "These listings can be helpful when you're adding" @ 7, 0 SAY "new people to the geneology because you'll need to" @ 8, 0 SAY "know the reference numbers of their parents, and" @ 9, 0 SAY "spouses." @ 12, 5 SAY "The list can be sorted by :" @ 14,15 SAY "(N)ame" @ 16,17 SAY "or" @ 18,15 SAY "(R)eference number." @ 20, 0 SAY "ENTER YOUR CHOICE --> N,R, or x to exit ?" @ 20,42 GET command