* DATE 02/24/85 20:07 * initialization program ERAS TEXT ***************************************************************************** This is a first time initialization program. It sets the defaults for all operations. You can change any of the defaults on the maintenance menu. ***************************************************************************** ENDT IF .NOT. file ("BOOKS.DAT") STOR 'A' TO dr STOR 'Y' TO bells STOR 'I' TO bright STOR 'Y' TO escap STOR 'N' TO I STOR 'N' TO C STOR 'Y' TO shift STOR 00 TO chr121 STOR 00 TO chr122 STOR 00 TO chr123 STOR 00 TO chrreg1 STOR 00 TO chrreg2 STOR 00 TO chrreg3 ELSE REST from books.dat ENDI .NOT. file @ 05,00 SAY "On what drive will you store the data files ?" @ 05,50 GET dr PICTURE '!' READ @ 06,00 SAY'Do you wish to use signal beep ? ' @ 06,38 GET bells PICTURE '!' READ DO WHIL @(bells,'YN')=0 @ 06,38 GET bells PICTURE '!' READ ENDD WHILE @(bells) @ 08,00 SAY "You can have bright and dim intensity at ll points in the program" @ 09,00 SAY "or just on the nput screen. Answer 'A' or 'I' " @ 09,50 GET bright PICTURE '!' READ DO WHIL @(bright,'AI')=0 @ 09,50 GET bright PICTURE '!' READ ENDD WHILE @(bright) @ 10,00 SAY "If you leave the escape key on it is possible to break out of the program" @ 11,00 SAY "at any time. Some people prefer to not allow this. Shall we leave it on ?" @ 11,75 GET escap PICTURE '!' READ DO WHIL @(escap,'YN')=0 @ 11,75 GET escap PICTURE '!' READ ENDD WHILE @(escap) @ 13,00 SAY "Are you using an IBM PC or comparable with a clock board ?" @ 13,70 GET I picture '!' READ @ 14,00 SAY "Are you using a Compupro Systems Support Board with clock ?" @ 14,70 GET C PICTURE '!' READ @ 15,00 SAY "Can your printer shift to a 12 cpi for report printing ?" @ 15,70 GET shift PICTURE '!' READ DO WHIL @(shift,'YN')=0 @ 15,70 GET shift PICTURE '!' READ ENDD WHILE @(shift) IF SHIFT = 'Y' @ 16,00 SAY "What is the FIRST decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 16,68 GET chr121 READ @ 17,00 SAY "What is the SECOND decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 17,68 GET chr122 READ @ 18,00 SAY "What is the THIRD decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 18,68 GET chr123 READ @ 19,00 SAY "What is the FIRST decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 19,68 GET chrreg1 READ @ 20,00 SAY "What is the SECOND decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 20,68 GET chrreg2 READ @ 21,00 SAY "What is the THIRD decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 21,68 GET chrreg3 READ ENDI SHIFT = 'Y' STOR 'Y' TO goagain @ 22,30 SAY "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? " @ 22,55 GET goagain PICTURE '!' READ IF goagain = 'N' @ 22,00 @ 05,50 GET dr PICTURE '!' @ 06,38 GET bells PICTURE '!' @ 09,50 GET bright PICTURE '!' @ 11,75 GET escap PICTURE '!' @ 13,70 GET I picture '!' @ 14,70 GET C PICTURE '!' @ 15,70 GET shift PICTURE '!' READ IF SHIFT = 'Y' @ 16,00 SAY "What is the FIRST decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 16,68 GET chr121 READ @ 17,00 SAY "What is the SECOND decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 17,68 GET chr122 READ @ 18,00 SAY "What is the THIRD decimal value sent to the printer for 12 cpi ?" @ 18,68 GET chr123 READ @ 19,00 SAY "What is the FIRST decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 19,68 GET chrreg1 READ @ 20,00 SAY "What is the SECOND decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 20,68 GET chrreg2 READ @ 21,00 SAY "What is the THIRD decimal value to return to regular print ?" @ 21,68 GET chrreg3 READ ENDI SHIFT = 'Y' ENDI goagain RELE goagain CLEA GETS SAVE TO books.dat RELE bright, dr, escap, bells, I, C SAVE TO printer.dat RELE shift, chrreg1, chrereg2, chrreg3, chr121, chr122, chr123 ERAS STOR t TO more RETU