2000 REM ****************************************************** 2010 REM ** INTMENU - Menu for file INTER1 and INTER2 ** 2020 REM ****************************************************** 2030 filename$="INTMENU": cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 2090 PRINT cls$ 2100 DEF FN posn$(x,y)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x): REM position cursor 2110 FOR a=1 TO 10: x= INT(90*RND(1)): y=INT(30*RND(1)) 2120 PRINT FN posn$(x,y) " WELCOME TO INTER.BAS ":NEXT 2130 FOR a =1 TO 100:x=INT(90*RND(1)):y=INT(30*RND(1)) : PRINT FN posn$(x,y) "*":NEXT 2140 FOR a = 1 TO 300:x=INT(90*RND(1)):y=INT(30*RND(1)):PRINT FN posn$(x,y) ".": NEXT 2145 PRINT cls$ 2150 PRINT FN posn$(15,0)" W E L C O M E TO THE INTERMEDIATE SECTION OF THE COURSE" 2160 PRINT FN posn$(15,1)" *********************************************************" 2170 PRINT: PRINT 2180 PRINT "In this part of the course we are going into things a little more deeply" 2190 PRINT "You can go to any section shown on the menu which follows by typing " 2200 PRINT "it's reference letter. There is no need to complete one section before" 2210 PRINT "starting another - you can return at any time. Use the INDEX section to " 2220 PRINT "locate specific keywords. 2230 PRINT 2240 PRINT "The section is in two files which are called and loaded as required ." 2250 PRINT "The separation is shown by a dotted line. When you cross the dotted line" 2260 PRINT "a message appears 'LOADING; please wait'; The reason for this is explained" 2270 PRINT "in section j. To keep waiting time down try to avoid crossing the line too often" 2280 GOSUB 40100 2290 PRINT cls$: PRINT TAB(15)rvson$" "rvsoff$ 2300 PRINT TAB(15)rvson$" BASTUTOR INTERMEDIATE - Further Study of Mallard Basic "rvsoff$:PRINT 2310 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "a) General commands for Program Creation " 2320 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "b) Mathematics " 2330 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "c) String Manipulation " 2340 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "d) More on Variables " 2350 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "e) Further work on Loops" 2360 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "f) Tables and Arrays " 2370 PRINT " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 2380 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "g) Escape Codes " 2390 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "h) Jumps and subroutines " 2400 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "i) Using the printer " 2410 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "j) Combining BASIC files " 2420 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "k) INDEX " 2425 PRINT:PRINT TAB(25) "l) Return to main menu " 2430 PRINT:PRINT "Type the reference letter of your chosen subject" 2440 select$=INKEY$ 2450 select$= UPPER$(select$) 2460 IF select$="" THEN 2440 2470 code = INSTR(1,"ABCDEFGHIJKL",select$) 2480 IF code = 0 THEN PRINT cls$:PRINT "Please press a letter key a to l ":GOTO 2310 2490 ON code GOTO 2500,2510,2520,2530,2540,2550,2560,2580,2590,2600,2610,10 2500 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 4000 ELSE 2650 2510 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 6000 ELSE 2650 2520 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 8000 ELSE 2650 2530 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 10000 ELSE 2650 2540 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 12000 ELSE 2650 2550 IF filename$="INTER1.BAS" THEN 14000 ELSE 2650 2560 IF filename$="INTER2.BAS" THEN 16000 ELSE 2640 2580 IF filename$="INTER2.BAS" THEN 18000 ELSE 2640 2590 IF filename$="INTER2.BAS" THEN 20000 ELSE 2640 2600 IF filename$="INTER2.BAS" THEN 22000 ELSE 2640 2610 IF filename$="INTER2.BAS" THEN 24000 ELSE 2640 2620 ON code GOTO 4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,18000,20000,22000,24000 2640 DEF FN posn$(x,y)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x): REM position cursor 2645 PRINT FN posn$(60,30) rvson$" LOADING - please wait "rvsoff$: CHAIN MERGE "INTER2", 3000, ALL, DELETE 3000-30000 2650 DEF FN posn$(x,y)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x): REM position cursor 2655 PRINT FN posn$(60,30) rvson$" LOADING - please wait "rvsoff$: CHAIN MERGE "INTER1", 3000, ALL, DELETE 3000-30000 cursor 2655 PRINT FN posn$(6