INTERMEDIATE SECTION D FILE INTER.D MORE ON VARIABLES ***************** In PRIMER, section c, we found that groups of characters, such as words, names, sentences, numbers etc. can be, and often are, represented by another character or group of characters, There are many reasons for this, some of which are listed below. 1) To save typing.- Put cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" at the start of your program. As you probably know, PRINT CHR$(27)+...etc. is the command to clear the screen and home the cursor, but as it is now represented by the variable cls$, all we need to do is to type PRINT cls$ at any point in the program when it is desired to clear the screen; a definite saving in typing 2) To control 'constants'.- Suppose that you are writing a program involving prices of goods; cost prices, selling prices, VAT etc. You would need to quote the VAT rate perhaps several times and use it in various calculations. If the VAT rate were to change you would be faced with finding each reference to the VAT rate and changing it,always with the chance that you might miss one or two. Instead you would, near the beginning of your program put vat=15, then use the variable ,vat, in place of the figure. If VAT then went down from 15% to 12% you would need to change your program in one place only vat=12, and the deed is done, quickly and accurately. In the example you could do the same with the profit markup if you anticipated changing the markup from time to time. 3) To generate values automatically .- Variables always take the latest value given to them . Consider this piece of program 10 FOR a=1 to 9 20 PRINT 8*a; 30 NEXT Lines 10 and 20 form a loop where each time it loops the value of a changes. Initially a=1,then 2 etc. Thus line 20 will print 8,16,24 etc. Although the example is simple, the principle is powerful, giving endless possibilities. Another way in which a numeric variable can be made to change automatically may, at first, seem rather odd. You will often see in programs such lines as ; 60 a=a+1 What nonsense, you might say, how can a equal more than itself. The answer lies in the = sign, which in this context means 'represents' or 'becomes' and is another way of the variable changing, in this case incrementing by 1 each time the line 60 is run. The variable can be made to change in countless ways, to suit your needs, simply by altering the equation. Don't worry about it, just accept it!. 4) To represent a set of data items in an array.- a 'subscripted' variable is used such as data$(y), where y is the subscript which itself represents a set of numbers equivalent to the number of data items. Thus if 10 items are in the array they could be represented by data$(1),data$(2) data$(10). This brief explanation is enlarged upon in the section on arrays. 5) To store information typed in from the keyboard after an INPUT command as in the following example 400 INPUT " Please type your name ", nam$ when line 400 is executed, the request "Please type your name " will appear on screen. The reply which is typed in will be stored in the variable nam$. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The above examples show some of the many ways in which variables are used but if you examine a few program listings you will see variables used in a great variety of ways. I hope, however that the above descriptions will give you a start to understanding the logic of the programming. You will soon find that for localised routines, such as counting loops you can use and reuse the same variable, and some programmers habitually use a variable for specific tasks. For example you may see a loop starting - 100 FOR i=1 to 10 - Later you see - 240 FOR i=2 to 40 ; a line starting a second loop, and so on throughout the program, using i each time. From what has been said before it will be easy to explain this. After the first loop, i will retain the last value, 10, but on execution of line 240, i will be given the new value 2, until the second loop is finished, when it will have the value 40. So it is quite safe to reuse a variable for such a series of tasks which are self-contained For more important values it is better to choose a variable which is brief yet reminds one of it's use, for example :- nam$="Name of employee", titl$= "Title of book" , total = Total number of records, etc. In 3) above I mentioned that variables take the last value assigned to them, and it is important to understand the implications of this statement fully, because it is a property which can be exploited in several ways. Suppose you write a line 500 a=45, then a will remain equal to 45 until a new value is allocated or until the variable is cancelled. All values of variables are made equal to 0 when the program is started with the RUN command. This is why we use the GOTO command to restart a program when we do not want to lose all variable values. Variable values are also lost with some other commands; LOAD, CHAIN, NEW and SYSTEM for instance. In fact any command which interferes drastically with the program. When a program ends, or you stop it, or it stops itself to register a fault in the program, the values assigned to each variable still remain in memory. This can be a most useful aid in debugging a program, writing a program, or even just finding out how it works. Just type PRINT x at the BASIC prompt and press [RETURN] and the latest value of x will be displayed on the screen. Used astutely this can tell you a lot about the current state of the program. Types of variable You probably understand now that a variable has ***************** to match the value that it represents, and that the type or class of variable is formed by its suffix. Any attempt to use an incorrect type of variable will be met with an error message "type mismatch". The variable types are ( using var as the base ):- var$ Strings enclosed in double quotes e.g "Hello" var Numbers in general - no suffix var% Whole numbers (Integers) var! Decimal numbers - Single precision var# Decimal numbers - Double precision We see that there are four types of variable to represent numbers and only one for strings. This is simply because there are distinct ways in which numbers can be stored and used in BASIC. A variable with suffix % will only store whole numbers, and if asked to represent a number with decimal places, will ignore the decimal places and store only the integer part.For many programs it is a necessary requirement. For example, if you were writing a game involving dice, it would not be helpful if the dice rolled a 4.325. The suffixes ! and # are appended to variables which store numbers of single and double precision respectively. If no suffix is appended the default is single precision. Suffice it to say that it affects the accuracy of any calculations carried out, as double precision arithmetic uses more significant figures than single precision. The three types of variable (%,!,#) are stored in 2,3 and 7 bytes respectively, which means that their storage capacity, and therefore the number of significant figures that can be handled by each type varies considerably. Integer variables accommodate numbers from -32768 to 32767 and an attempt to exceed these limits will get the error message Overflow. Unless you specifically need integers you are best advised to use single precision. For larger numbers or greater accuracy use double precision. DEFINT,DEFSNG,DEFDBL,DEFSTR are four command words that can be used, *************************** usually near the start of a program to define letters as variable types. For example, the line:- 10 DEFINT a-g: DEFSTR h-m means that any time letters a to g, or words beginning with these letters, are used as variables they represent integers and when letters h to m, or words beginning with letters h to m, are used they represent strings. DEFSNG and DEFDBL define, as I'm sure you have guessed , single and double precision. When using this method of defining variable types NO SUFFIXES ARE USED and can lead to confusion unless care is taken. This method is best used when only one variable type is to be used. It is usually preferred to define variables with suffixes as you go along, and sometimes you may wish to use the same letter for two types of variable. Maybe you have an integer represented by a string variable a$ and you wish to convert it to a simple integer for use in a maths sum. You would write the line:- 700 a=VAL(a$) . To the computer a and a$ are completely different one from another, and yet to us they are linked, which helps the memory. Unfortunately it is difficult to illustrate these commands in this program, because once used the commands cannot be reset and would interfere with the remainder of the program. However, a short program, DEFINT.BAS, is included and can be LOADed and RUN to demonstrate the method of use. SWAP is a command to exchange the contents of two variables, and is ***** written SWAP variable1,variable2 , but will only work if the two variables are of the same type. I always use lower case for variables to avoid confusion with keywords, which BASIC always makes INTO upper case End of file INTER.D es to avoid confusion with keywords, which BASIC always makes IN