KEYWORD INDEX ************* This index contains all the MALLARD BASIC keywords as supplied with the PCW, in alphabetical order. Those dealt with on this course disc are marked * and opposite each of these keywords is shown the file or files in which the keyword is discussed. Use of the keyword will often be demonstrated in the program following the text file. To access a file go to the appropriate section menu and select the file letter. e.g to read INTER.C go to the intermediate section menu and select option (c. Files without an asterisk are not covered on this disc, but their main usage is indicated :- ' - Keywords of a general nature not covered on this disc JETSAM - Keywords used only with JETSAM, the keyed file facility FILES - Keywords used with sequential and random access files M/C - Keywords used to access the fundamental functions of the machine. *ABS INTER.B ADDKEY JETSAM ADDREC JETSAM *ASC PRIMER.G *ATN INTER.B *AUTO INTER.A BUFFERS JETSAM CALL M/C *CDBL INTER.B *CHAIN INTER.D : INTER.J *CHAIN MERGE INTER.J *CHR$ PRIMER.G : INTER.G *CINT INTER.B *CLEAR INTER.D,J CLOSE FILES *COMMON INTER.J *COMMON RESET INTER.J CONSOLIDATE JETSAM *CONT INTER.A *COS INTER.B CREATE JETSAM *CSNG INTER.B *CVD INTER.C *CVI INTER.C CVIK FILES *CVS INTER.C CVUK FILES *DATA INTER.F *DEC$ INTER.C *DEF FN INTER.G DEF USR M/C *DEFINT INTER.B : INTER.D *DEFSNG INTER.B : INTER.D *DEFDBL INTER.B : INTER.D *DEFSTR INTER.D *DELETE INTER.A DELKEY JETSAM *DIM INTER.F *DIR INTRO.E *DISPLAY INTER.A *EDIT INTRO.D : INTER.A *END INTER.A EOF FILES ERA INTER.A ERASE INTER.F 'ERL 'ERR 'ERROR *EXP INTER.B FETCHKEY$ JETSAM FETCHRANK JETSAM FETCHREC JETSAM FIELD FILES 'FILES 'FIND$ *FIX INTER.B *FOR..TO...NEXT INTRO.D : INTER.E *FRE INTER.J GET FILES,JETSAM *GOSUB...RETURN INTER.H *GOTO INTRO..E : INTER.H *HEX$ INTER.C *HIMEM INTER.J *IF...THEN...ELSE INTER.E : INTER.H *INKEY$ PRIMER.E : INTER.E INP M/C INPW M/C *INPUT PRIMER.E INPUT# FILES INPUT$ FILES *INSTR INTER.C *INT INTER.B KILL FILES *LEFT$ INTER.C *LEN INTER.C 'LET *LINE INPUT PRIMER.E LINE INPUT # FILES *LIST INTRO.C : INTRO.E : INTER.A *LLIST INTER.A : INTRO.E : INTRO.F *LOAD INTRO.E : INTER.A : INTER.D LOC FILES LOCK JETSAM LOF FILES *LOG INTER.B *LOG10 INTER.B *LOWER$ INTER.C 'LPOS *LPRINT INTER.A 'LSET *MAX INTER.B *MEMORY INTER.E *MERGE INTER.J *MID$ INTER.C *MIN INTER.B *MKD$ INTER.C *MKI$ INTER.C MKIK$ FILES *MKS$ INTER.C MKUK$ FILES NAME FILES *NEW INTER.D *OCT$ INTER.C *ON...GOSUB/GOTO INTER.H *ON ERROR GOTO INTER.H OPEN FILES *OPTION BASE INTER.F OPTION FIELD JETSAM OPTION FILES FILES OPTION INPUT MACHINE CODE OPTION LPRINT MACHINE CODE 'OPTION NOT TAB OPTION PRINT MACHINE CODE 'OPTION RUN 'OPTION STOP 'OPTION TAB 'OSERR OUT MACHINE CODE PEEK MACHINE CODE POKE INTER.E : MACHINE CODE 'POS *PRINT PRIMER.A : INTER.A PRINT # FILES PUT FILES,JETSAM 'RANDOMIZE *READ INTER.F *REM INTER.A *REN INTER.K *RENUM INTER.A RESET FILES *RESTORE INTER.F *RESUME *RIGHT$ INTER.C 'RND *ROUND INTER.B 'RSET *RUN INTRO.E *SAVE INTRO.D SEEKKEY JETSAM SEEKNEXT JETSAM SEEKPREV JETSAM SEEKRANK JETSAM SEEKREC JETSAM SEEKSET JETSAM *SGN INTER.B *SIN INTER.B 'SPACE$ 'SPC *SQR INTER.B *STOP INTRO.D : INTRO..E : INTER.A 'STR$ 'STRING$ 'STRIP$ *SWAP INTER.D *SYSTEM INTER.A : INTER.D *TAB PRIMER.A : INTER.A *TAN INTER.B 'TRON 'TROFF *TYPE INTRO.E 'UNT *UPPER$ INTER.C USR MACHINE CODE *VAL INTER.C VARPTR MACHINE CODE *VERSION INTER.A WAIT M/C *WHILE....WEND INTER.E 'WIDTH 'WIDTH LPRINT 'WRITE WRITE # FILES *ZONE PRIMER.A DTH 'WIDTH LPRINT 'WRITE WRITE # FILES *ZONE