SECTION F- PRIMER FILE PRIMER.F STRINGS ******* A 'STRING' is simply a set of one or more characters put together. Some examples are : "A" "Have a nice day!" "Joe Murphy" "123456" "14th September 1956" "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov" "#14.00" "" I have put these examples inside double quotes not only to show them better, but also because they are often required to be in this form in a program.The last example shows nothing between the quote marks, not even a space.It is a special case and is known as a NULL STRING. We have already met 'STRINGS'; in section a where we saw how strings were used with the PRINT command ,and in section c where we saw that a string can be represented by a STRING VARIABLE. At first you may not see the reason why strings are enclosed in double quotes and numbers and variables are not, but as you come to use BASIC more the logic of it will become apparent. The double quotes tell the computer that the group of characters is, in fact, a string and to treat it accordingly. For this reason a string cannot contain a double quote mark or the machine will become confused. If for example we wrote " The boy said "hello" and walked on", the computer would see this as two strings - "The boy said ", and "and walked on". The word 'hello' in the middle would confuse it completely as it doesn't have double quotes of it's own, and would result in an error message being displayed. A simple way to get over this is to use single quotes instead and to write ; "The boy said 'hello' and walked on " The manipulation of strings is a major part of programming and strings can be concatenated (added), parts of strings can be taken away, strings can be examined to see whether they contain certain characters, and so on. Treatment of text is only one facet of the manipulation of strings and you will see that strings and string variables combine to make the computer language very powerful. The next listing demonstrates concatenation in various ways End of file PRIMER.F rful