2000 REM-Start of INTRO.BAS 2010 filename$="INTRO" 2040 DEF FN posn$(x,y)=CHR$(27)+"Y"+CHR$(32+y)+CHR$(32+x): REM position cursor 2050 PRINT cls$ 2060 PRINT FN posn$(30,1) " I N T R O D U C T I O N " 2070 PRINT FN posn$(15,3) " A First Look at MALLARD BASIC for the PCW8256 & PCW8512" 2080 PRINT FN posn$(20,6)" a) Introductory text - How to use the course " 2090 PRINT FN posn$(20,8)" b) About line numbers and command lines" 2100 PRINT FN posn$(20,10)" c) Modes ( Direct and Program ) 2110 PRINT FN posn$(20,12)" d) Editing ( Altering ) Program Lines " 2120 PRINT FN posn$(20,14)" e) Some important keywords " 2130 PRINT FN posn$(20,16)" f) Using the printer on this course " 2140 PRINT FN posn$(20,18)" g) Syntax " 2150 PRINT FN posn$(20,20)" h) The 8000 BASIC keyboard " 2160 PRINT FN posn$(20,22)" i) Summing up " 2165 PRINT FN posn$(20,24)" j) Some light relief " 2168 PRINT FN posn$(20,26)" k) INDEX " 2169 PRINT FN posn$(20,28)" l) Return to Main Menu " 2170 PRINT rvson$ FN posn$(15,30) SPC(55) rvsoff$ 2180 PRINT rvson$ FN posn$(15,31)" Please press the letter of the section you require " rvsoff$ 2200 answer$=INKEY$ 2210 IF answer$ = "" THEN 2200 2220 code = INSTR(1,"aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlL",answer$) 2230 IF code = 0 THEN GOTO 2210 2240 ON code GOTO 3000,3000,4000,4000,5000,5000,6000,6000,7000,7000,8000,8000,9000,9000,10000,10000,11000,11000,12000,12000,18000,18000,10,10 3000 PRINT cls$ 3010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 3020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" INTRODUCTORY TEXT - HOW TO USE THE COURSE " rvsoff$ 3030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 3040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.A 3050 GOSUB 40150 3060 ON code GOTO 3200,3200,3000,3000,2000,2000 3100 ' 3200 PRINT cls$ 3210 PRINT "Hi Boss! I am your friendly computer " 3220 PRINT "I have a message for you from M; head of MI5 " 3230 INPUT "Do you want the message ? please type y or n (yes or no),then press [RETURN] ", a$ 3240 IF a$= "y" OR a$="Y" GOTO 3270 3250 IF a$= "n" OR a$="N" GOTO 3320 ELSE GOTO 3260 3260 PRINT "Please type y or n":GOTO 3230 3270 PRINT:PRINT "The message reads ' Chests are cheap today '" 3280 PRINT "Does this mean anything to you ? " 3290 FOR x= 1 TO 4000:NEXT: REM ****time delay;**** change nos to vary delay 3300 PRINT :PRINT "Sorry , I got the message wrong - M is chief of MFI, not MI5 " 3310 GOTO 3360 3320 PRINT:PRINT " Well Boss,it's your decision, but if you change your mind, type y now" 3330 PRINT " before I clear my memory banks" 3340 FOR x=1 TO 3000:NEXT 3350 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "****** Too late, Dumbo ,now you'll never know! ******" 3360 PRINT:PRINT "**********************************************" 3370 PRINT " Now type GOTO 3200 then press RETURN to run the program again or" 3380 PRINT " type LIST 3200-3400 then press RETURN to view the program." 3390 PRINT " type GOTO 2000 then press RETURN to return to the Section Menu" 3400 PRINT " type GOTO 4000 then press RETURN to continue to the next section" 3410 STOP 4000 PRINT cls$ 4010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 4020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" ABOUT LINE NUMBERS AND COMMAND LINES " rvsoff$ 4030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 4040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.B 4050 GOSUB 40150 4060 ON code GOTO 4200,4200,4000,4000,2000,2000 4100 ' 4200 ' 5000 PRINT cls$ 5010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 5020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" MODES ( DIRECT and PROGRAM ) " rvsoff$ 5030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 5040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.C 5050 GOSUB 40150 5060 ON code GOTO 5200,5200,5000,5000,2000,2000 5100 ' 5200 ' 6000 PRINT cls$ 6010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 6020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" EDITING ( ALTERING ) PROGRAM LINES " rvsoff$ 6030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 6040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.D 6050 GOSUB 40150 6060 ON code GOTO 6200,6200,6000,6000,2000,2000 6100 ' 6200 ' 7000 PRINT cls$ 7010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 7020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" SOME IMPORTANT KEYWORDS " rvsoff$ 7030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 7040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.E 7050 GOSUB 40150 7060 ON code GOTO 7200,7200,7000,7000,2000,2000 7100 ' 7200 ' 8000 PRINT cls$ 8010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 8020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" USING THE PRINTER ON THE COURSE " rvsoff$ 8030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 8040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.F 8050 GOSUB 40150 8060 ON code GOTO 8200,8200,8000,8000,2000,2000 8100 ' 8200 ' 9000 PRINT cls$ 9010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 9020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" SYNTAX " rvsoff$ 9030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 9040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.G 9050 GOSUB 40150 9060 ON code GOTO 9200,9200,9000,9000,2000,2000 9100 ' 9200 ' 10000 PRINT cls$ 10010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 10020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" The 8000 BASIC keyboard " rvsoff$ 10030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 10040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.H 10050 GOSUB 40150 10060 ON code GOTO 10100,10100,10000,10000,2000,2000 10100 PRINT cls$ 10200 PRINT TAB(20)" The PCW keyboard and MALLARD BASIC " 10210 PRINT:PRINT " The left-hand side of the keyboard up to the RETURN key is similar to" 10220 PRINT " a standard QUERTY typewriter keyboard, and a keypress will register the" 10230 PRINT " character shown on the key. Shift and shift lock will register a further" 10240 PRINT " range of characters, including upper case letters. This is the same as " 10250 PRINT " the normal operation of a typewriter." 10260 PRINT " More characters can be generated by using the ALT and EXTRA keys, " 10270 PRINT " alone or with the SHIFT key. The table which follows shows various " 10280 PRINT " key combinations to generate these characters. 10285 PRINT " You may need to turn screen brightness up to see some characters clearly" 10290 PRINT:GOSUB 40110:PRINT 10300 PRINT "KEY COMBINATION = CHARACTER GENERATED" 10310 PRINT 10320 PRINT "ALT+1= ¶","ALT+2= ¨","ALT+3= ·","ALT+4= ©","ALT+5= ¸","ALT+6= ª" 10330 PRINT "ALT+7= ¹","ALT=8= ÷","ALT+9= ö","ALT+0= ø","ALT+== ß","ALT+¦= Ý" 10340 PRINT "ALT+#= Ü","ALT+,= õ","ALT+.= »" 10350 PRINT 10360 PRINT "EXTRA+1= ¯","EXTRA+2= ²","EXTRA+3= ­","EXTRA+4= ±","EXTRA+5= ¢","EXTRA+6= ³" 10370 PRINT "EXTRA+7= ´","EXTRA+8= `","EXTRA+9= þ","EXTRA+-= ~","EXTRA+== Þ","EXTRA+R= ¾" 10380 PRINT "EXTRA+T= ¿","EXTRA+Y= ½","EXTRA+U= ^","EXTRA+O= ¡","EXTRA+P= ¥","EXTRA+A=  ³" 10390 PRINT "EXTRA+S= º","EXTRA+D= §","EXTRA+F= °","EXTRA+;= ^","EXTRA+¦= «","EXTRA+#= ¬³" 10400 PRINT "EXTRA+C= ¤","EXTRA+B= º","EXTRA+.= |","EXTRA+/= ®","EXTRA+©= \ (2 presses)" 10410 PRINT 10420 ZONE 30: PRINT "SHIFT+ALT+8= ×","SHIFT+ALT+9= Ö","SHIFT+ALT+0= Ø","SHIFT+ALT++= ÿ","SHIFT+ALT+<= ý","SHIFT+ALT+>= ü" 10430 ZONE 15 10900 GOSUB 40150 10910 ON code GOTO 11000,11000,10100,10100,2000,2000 11000 PRINT cls$ 11010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 11020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" Summing up " rvsoff$ 11030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 11040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.I 11050 GOSUB 40150 11060 ON code GOTO 11200,11200,11000,11000,2000,2000 11100 ' 11200 ' 12000 PRINT cls$ 12010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 12020 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" Some light relief "rvsoff$ 12030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 12040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INTRO.J 12050 GOSUB 40150 12060 ON code GOTO 12100,12100,12000,12000,2000,2000 12100 PRINT cls$ 12110 PRINT TAB(20)" GAMES MENU " 12120 PRINT TAB(20)" ********** " 12130 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "1) POKERDICE " 12140 PRINT:PRINT "2) CONSEQUENCES " 12150 PRINT:PRINT "3) PONTOON " 12160 PRINT:PRINT "4) BIZZBUZZ " 12165 PRINT:PRINT "5) Return to section menu " 12170 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT TAB(15)" Please enter the number of the section you want " 12180 answer$=INKEY$ 12190 IF answer$="" THEN 12180 12200 code= INSTR(1,"12345",answer$) 12210 IF code =0 THEN 12170 12220 ON code GOTO 12300,13000,13500,14500,2000 12300 REM ***************************************** 12310 REM **** POKERDIE *************************** 12320 REM ***************************************** 12330 PRINT cls$ 12340 PRINT TAB(30) "***** P O K E R D I C E *****" 12350 PRINT :PRINT 12360 PRINT " In this game you play against the computer. Each throws three dice ." 12370 PRINT "The object of the game is to throw the better combination. Combinations " 12380 PRINT "in order of importance are :- " 12390 PRINT " 1) Three of a kind -highest score wins" 12400 PRINT " 2) Run of three - highest score wins" 12410 PRINT " 3) Two of a kind - highest two -if equal, total score wins" 12420 PRINT " 4) Run of two - highest two - if equal, total score wins" 12430 PRINT " 5) Lastly ,random numbers, highest total wins " 12440 PRINT "Press any key to start" 12450 WHILE INKEY$="": n=INT(6*RND+1):WEND 12460 same=0:pair=0:run1=0:run2=0:nowt=0 12470 PRINT "Here are your three dice ......=>> "; 12480 GOSUB 12740:PRINT a;" "b;" ";c 12490 IF same<>0 THEN PRINT "Three of a kind" 12500 IF pair<>0 THEN PRINT "A pair" 12510 IF run1<>0 THEN PRINT "A run of three" 12520 IF run2<>0 THEN PRINT "A run of two" 12530 IF nowt<>0 THEN PRINT "Zilch" 12540 player=0:player=total 12550 PRINT "Press any key to continue" 12560 WHILE INKEY$="": n=INT(6*RND+1):WEND 12570 same=0:pair=0:run1=0:run2=0:nowt=0 12580 PRINT:PRINT 12590 PRINT "Here are my three dice ........=>> "; 12600 GOSUB 12740:PRINT a;" "b;" ";c 12610 IF same<>0 THEN PRINT "Three of a kind" 12620 IF pair<>0 THEN PRINT "A pair" 12630 IF run1<>0 THEN PRINT "A run of three" 12640 IF run2<>0 THEN PRINT "A run of two" 12650 IF nowt<>0 THEN PRINT "Zilch" 12660 computer=0:computer=total 12670 IF player>computer THEN PRINT "You win" ELSE PRINT "I win" 12680 PRINT:PRINT:INPUT "Would you like another game? y/n.......", ans$ 12690 IF ans$="y" OR ans$="Y" THEN 12330 12700 IF ans$="n" OR ans$="N" THEN 12720 12710 PRINT "Please type y or n, then press [RETURN]":GOTO 12680 12720 PRINT "Cheerio, thanks for the game" 12730 GOSUB 40120:GOTO 12100 12740 a=INT(6*RND+1):b=INT(6*RND+1):c=INT(6*RND+1):REM throw dice 12750 IF a=b AND a=c THEN 12850:REM 3 of a kind 12760 IF a=b THEN pair=a:GOTO 12860:REM a pair 12770 IF a=c THEN pair=a:GOTO 12870 12780 IF b=c THEN pair=b:GOTO 12880 12790 IF MIN(a,b,c)=MAX(a,b,c)-2 THEN 12890:REM run of three 12800 IF MIN(a,b)=MAX(a,b)-1 THEN run2=MAX(a,b):GOTO 12900: REM run of 2 12810 IF MIN(a,c)=MAX(a,c)-1 THEN run2=MAX(a,c):GOTO 12910: REM run of 2 12820 IF MIN(b,c)=MAX(b,c)-1 THEN run2=MAX(b,c):GOTO 12920: REM run of 2 12830 GOTO 12930 12840 END 12850 same=a:total = same*150:RETURN 12860 total=pair*8+c:RETURN 12870 total=pair*8+b:RETURN 12880 total=pair*8+a:RETURN 12890 run1=MAX(a,b,c):total=run1*25:RETURN 12900 total=run2*3+c:RETURN 12910 total=run2*3+b:RETURN 12920 total=run2*3+a :RETURN 12930 nowt=a+b+c:total=nowt:RETURN 13000 REM **************************** 13010 REM ********CONSEQUENCES******** 13020 REM **************************** 13030 cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 13035 RESTORE 13240 13040 DIM nam1$(10),nam2$(10),place$(10),conseq$(10),quote$(10) 13050 FOR a=1 TO 10: READ nam1$(a):NEXT 13060 FOR b=1 TO 10: READ nam2$(b): NEXT 13070 FOR c=1 TO 10: READ place$(c):NEXT 13080 FOR d=1 TO 10: READ conseq$(d):NEXT 13090 FOR e=1 TO 10: READ quote$(e):NEXT 13100 PRINT cls$ 13110 PRINT "Press any key" 13120 WHILE INKEY$="":a=INT(10*RND+1):WEND 13130 a=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 13140 b=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 13150 c=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 13160 d=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 13170 e=INT(10*RND(1)+1) 13180 PRINT:PRINT 13190 PRINT nam1$(a); " met " nam2$(b); place$(c); " and the consequence was "; conseq$(d) 13200 PRINT " The world said " CHR$(34) quote$(e)CHR$(34) 13210 PRINT:PRINT 13220 INPUT "Would you like another go ?Type y or n then press [RETURN].......", z$ 13230 IF z$="y" OR z$="Y" THEN 13130 13240 DATA " Good King Wenceslas","Lord Nelson","Wee Willie Winkie", "Popeye","Bluebeard" 13250 DATA " Wurzle Gummidge","Captain Cook","Mr Spock","The Abominable Snowman", "Kermit" 13260 DATA " Miss Piggy"," Mary Whitehouse"," Little Nell"," Lassie"," Old Mother Hubbard" 13270 DATA " Gipsy Rose Lee"," Olive Oyl"," Lulu"," Lili Marlene"," Mata Hari" 13280 DATA " by the old mill stream"," at a disco"," in a pub"," on the job"," on a trampolene" 13290 DATA " at the cinema"," in a car park"," at the race course"," in a taxi"," by the canal" 13300 DATA " a bald-headed spider"," a can of worms"," two sets of twins"," she broke it off" 13310 DATA " and so to bed"," Vesuvious erupted"," he pinched her place"," she tickled his fancy" 13320 DATA " the universe moved"," his teeth fell out" 13330 DATA " What a way to run a brewery!"," You can't trust anybody these days" 13340 DATA " Who'd have thought she wasn't a blonde"," We always thought she was a Virgo" 13350 DATA " What a disgusting orgy - wish we'd been invited"," He always was rather headstrong" 13360 DATA " After that they ought to get married"," How magnificently boring" 13370 DATA " When's the return match?"," We didn't think that was physically possible" 13380 PRINT :GOSUB 40120 13390 ERASE nam1$,nam2$,place$,conseq$,quote$ 13400 GOTO 12100 13410 END 13500 REM ********************************* 13510 REM ********** PONTOON ************** 13520 REM ********************************* 13530 DIM card$(52) 13535 RESTORE 14140 13540 FOR n=1 TO 52: READ card$(n):NEXT 13550 PRINT cls$ 13560 PRINT TAB(35) "P O N T O O N" 13570 PRINT:PRINT "The object is to get as close to 21 without going over. court cards count" 13580 PRINT "as 10, Aces as 10 or 1, other cards at face value" 13590 PRINT "You play against your computer, which is the dealer. The dealer deals " 13600 PRINT "two cards to himself and two cards to you. You elect to have a further " 13610 PRINT "card (twist) or to stay with your score (stick). The dealer then deals " 13620 PRINT "himself further cards until the game is decided." 13630 PRINT:PRINT 13640 PRINT "press any key to start" 13650 WHILE INKEY$="": n=INT(52*RND+1):WEND 13660 PRINT:PRINT "These are my first two cards =>> "; 13670 value=0:bank=0:ace=0 13680 FOR a=1 TO 2: GOSUB 14190:PRINT TAB(50) card$(n):bank=bank+value 13690 IF ASC(card$(n))=65 THEN ace = ace+1 13700 IF ace<>0 THEN PRINT "(Ace counts 1 or 10)" 13710 banka=bank-ace*9:card$(n)="":NEXT 13720 PRINT "My total so far is " bank; 13730 IF ace<>0 THEN PRINT "(or"; banka; ")" 13740 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 13750 PRINT "Here are your first two cards =>> "; 13760 value=0:player=0:acep=0 13770 FOR a=1 TO 2 :GOSUB 14190:PRINT TAB(50) card$(n):player=player+value 13780 IF ASC(card$(n))=65 THEN acep=acep+1 13790 IF acep<>0 THEN PRINT "(Ace counts 1 or 10)" 13800 playera =player-acep*9:NEXT 13810 PRINT "Your total so far is " player; 13820 IF acep <>0 THEN PRINT "( or" playera ")" 13830 PRINT:PRINT:INPUT "Do you want to stick or twist ?...type s or t.....", score$ 13840 PRINT: 13850 IF score$="s" OR score$="S" THEN PRINT "Okay, you stick":GOTO 13960 13860 IF score$="t" OR score$="T" THEN PRINT "You twist - here is your next card =>> "; 13870 GOSUB 14190:PRINT TAB(50)card$(n):player=player+value 13880 IF ASC(card$(n))=65 THEN acep=acep+1 13890 IF acep <>0 THEN PRINT "(Ace counts 1 or 10)" 13900 IF acep<>0 AND player>19 THEN GOSUB 14270 13910 PRINT "Your total so far is ";:PRINT player 13920 IF acep <>0 THEN PRINT "( or" playera ")" 13930 IF player>21 THEN PRINT "Sorry, you've bust" : GOTO 14080 13940 IF score$="t" THEN 13830 13950 IF bank>=player THEN PRINT " I win" :GOTO 14080 13960 PRINT:PRINT "Now I take another card =>> "; 13970 GOSUB 14190: PRINT TAB(50) card$(n) : bank =bank +value 13980 IF ASC(card$(n))=65 THEN ace=ace+1 13990 IF ace<>0 THEN PRINT "(Ace counts 1 or 10)" 14000 IF ace<>0 AND bank>19 THEN GOSUB 14280 14010 PRINT "My total so far is "; bank 14020 IF ace<>0 THEN PRINT "(or " banka ")" 14030 PRINT 14040 IF bank >21 THEN PRINT " Too many - you win " :GOTO 14080 14050 IF bank < player THEN 14250 14060 IF bank>=player THEN PRINT " I win" :GOTO 14080 14070 PRINT 14080 PRINT :INPUT "Would you like another game? y/n .......",ans$ 14090 IF ans$="y" OR ans$="Y" THEN PRINT cls$:GOTO 13630 14100 IF ans$="n" OR ans$="N" THEN 14120 14110 PRINT "Please type y or n":GOTO 14080 14120 PRINT "Thanks for the game ":PRINT :GOSUB 40120 14125 ERASE card$: GOTO 12100 14130 REM ******************************************************************* 14140 DATA "AH","KH","QH","JH","10H","9H","8H","7H","6H","5H","4H","3H","2H" 14150 DATA "AC","KC","QC","JC","10C","9C","8C","7C","6C","5C","4C","3C","2C" 14160 DATA "AD","KD","QD","JD","10D","9D","8D","7D","6D","5D","4D","3D","2D" 14170 DATA "AS","KS","QS","JS","10S","9S","8S","7S","6S","5S","4S","3S","2S" 14180 END 14190 REM *** SUBROUTINE TO PICK A CARD **** 14200 n=INT(52*RND+1) 14210 IF card$(n)="" THEN GOTO 14200 14220 value=VAL(card$(n)) 14230 IF value=0 THEN value=10 14240 RETURN 14250 FOR x=1 TO 2000:NEXT:GOTO 13960 14260 PRINT "Press [RETURN] to continue:While inkey$<>chr$(13):wend:return 14270 player=player-9:playera =playera+9:acep=acep-1:RETURN 14280 bank=bank-9:banka=banka+9:ace=ace-1:RETURN 14500 REM ****************************** 14510 REM ******* BIZZBUZZ ************* 14520 REM ****************************** 14530 cls$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 14540 PRINT cls$ 14550 PRINT "This game is simple in concept; a number will be displayed- if the number" 14560 PRINT "is divisible by 3 you press [Z] if by 5 you press [X], if by both 3 and 5" 14570 PRINT "you press [C]. Otherwise press [V]. If you follow these instructions" 14580 PRINT "correctly another number will appear.You have about 5 seconds to press the keys" 14590 num=0 14600 PRINT "Press any key to start" 14610 WHILE INKEY$="": n=RND:WEND 14620 a= INT(100*RND+1) : PRINT a 14630 w=0 14640 b$="":c$="" 14650 WHILE b$="": b$=UPPER$(INKEY$) 14660 w=w+1: WEND 14670 IF w>950 THEN 14740 14680 IF a MOD 15= 0 THEN c$="C":GOTO 14720 14690 IF a MOD 5= 0 THEN c$="X":GOTO 14720 14700 IF a MOD 3= 0 THEN c$="Z":GOTO 14720 14710 c$="V" 14720 IF b$=c$ THEN PRINT "Correct":num=num+1: GOTO 14600 14730 IF b$<>c$ THEN 14750 14740 PRINT "You were out of time" 14750 PRINT "Sorry, you lose ; you scored " num 14760 INPUT "would you like another game y/n .............", e$ 14770 IF e$="y" OR e$="Y" THEN 14550 ELSE 14780 14780 PRINT "Cheerio, thanks for the game" 14790 PRINT: GOSUB 40120 : GOTO 12100 16000 PRINT "This is the end of the INTRO section - Returning you to the INTRO MENU " 16010 PRINT:GOSUB 40100 : GOTO 2000 18000 PRINT cls$ 18010 PRINT TAB(20) rvson$" "rvsoff$ 18020 PRINT TAB (20) rvson$" INDEX " rvsoff$ 18030 PRINT:PRINT: GOSUB 40050 18040 PRINT cls$: TYPE INDEX.ASC 18050 GOSUB 40150 18060 ON code GOTO 18200,18200,18000,18000,2000,2000 18200 PRINT cls$: PRINT " That is the end of INTRO ": GOSUB 40100 : GOTO 2000 39990 END O 18200,18200,18000,18000,2000,2000 18200 PRINT cls$: PRINT " That is the end of INTRO "