5 ON ERROR GOTO 5000 10 PRINT"The facinating simulation you are about to see will travel the length of the solar 20 PRINT"system. Your journey commences in the center of the sun. You will travel at no 30 PRINT"less than 35 times the speed of light, passing each of the planets in turn. We 40 PRINT"regret that due to the speed you will travel at, you are unlikely to actually see 50 PRINT"any of the planets. In fact, you will have left the sun a tiny fraction of a second 60 PRINT"after the simulation has begun.":PRINT 70 PRINT"In view of the vast expanses of space, you are required to increase your speed to 80 PRINT"in excess of 175 times the speed of light shortly after passing Jupiter.":PRINT 90 PRINT"On pressing any key, your simulation will commence. ";INPUT$(1) 1000 WIDTH 255 1001 OPEN "i",1,"simuln" 1010 DATA 0,SUN,58,MERCURY,108,VENUS,150,EARTH,228,MARS,778,JUPITER,1427,SATURN,2870,URANUS,4497,NEPTUNE,5950,PLUTO,,, 1020 x$=CHR$(27):PRINT x$"E"x$"H"SPC(14)"kilometers from the sun.":READ b%,b$ 1030 FOR a%=0 TO 800:PRINT x$"H";USING "#,###";a%;:FOR c%=8 TO 9:c$=STRING$(3,DEC$(c%,"#")):PRINT x$"j,"c$","c$;x$"k";:NEXT 1040 IF a%>=b% THEN PRINT x$"H":PRINT b$;x$"K":READ b%,b$ 1045 IF a% MOD 50=0 THEN LINE INPUT #1,z$:PRINT x$"j"x$"Y* "z$x$"K"x$"k"; 1050 NEXT 1070 FOR a%=800 TO 6000 STEP 5:PRINT x$"H";USING "#,###";a%;:FOR c%=8 TO 9:c$=STRING$(3,DEC$(c%,"#")):PRINT x$"j,"c$","c$;x$"k";:NEXT 1080 IF a%>=b% THEN PRINT x$"H":PRINT b$;x$"K":READ b%,b$ 1085 IF a% MOD 250=0 THEN LINE INPUT #1,z$:PRINT x$"j"x$"Y* "z$x$"K"x$"k"; 1090 NEXT 1100 CLOSE 1 5000 PRINT CHR$(7);x$;"Y* ":PRINT 5010 PRINT"Journey's end. I would like to have continued the simulation, and to have taken 5020 PRINT"you as far as the nearest star. I regret that even at 175 times the speed of light 5030 PRINT"you would have to keep the computer on for several days and nights before we 5040 PRINT"arrived.":PRINT 5050 CLOSE 1:PRINT"Regards,":PRINT:PRINT "Mission control." 25000 IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RU