10 PRINT"In this batch of programs there are two calculators. This one was designed for 20 PRINT"financial calculations. You can have a print-out (large print on 8256/8512) of 30 PRINT"the results. To eliminate eye strain as you type in your figures they are shown 40 PRINT"in BIG print. I recommend you press [RELAY] whilst holding down [ALT] at this 50 PRINT"stage as it will enable you to use the keypad normally used as cursor keys to 60 PRINT"enter figures. Works just like an ordinary calculator. If you want to make a 70 PRINT"note on the printer press [PASTE] before you type in your number, and you can 71 PRINT"type a short note." 72 PRINT:PRINT"Use the [47 AND ASC(b$)<58 THEN r%=r%+2:c$=c$+b$:PRINT FNa$(VAL(b$)); ELSE IF b$="." AND n%=0 THEN n%=1:r%=r%+1:c$=c$+b$:PRINT FNc$;x$"C";x$"B" 1070 IF b$="-" AND LEN(c$)=0 THEN r%=2:c$="-":PRINT FNc$;x$"B"x$"D "CHR$(154);CHR$(152);x$"A"; 1080 IF b$=CHR$(23) AND c$="" THEN PRINT x$"H";:LINE INPUT "Note for printer: ";xxx$:LPRINT CHR$(15);CHR$(27);"W";CHR$(1);"***";xxx$:PRINT x$"H";SPC(90);CHR$(7):zzz=5:zzz$="PTR" 1090 IF b$=CHR$(127) AND LEN(c$) THEN r%=r%-1:IF RIGHT$(c$,1)="." THEN PRINT FNb$:c$=LEFT$(c$,LEN(c$)-1):n%=0: ELSE PRINT FNb$:r%=r%-1:PRINT FNb$:c$=LEFT$(c$,LEN(c$)-1): 1100 IF b$=CHR$(13) OR b$=CHR$(22) THEN b$="+":GOSUB 1140 ELSE IF b$=CHR$(28) THEN b$="-":GOSUB 1140 ELSE IF b$=CHR$(26) THEN b$="X":GOSUB 1140 ELSE IF b$=CHR$(17) THEN b$="/":GOSUB 1140 1110 IF b$=CHR$(27) THEN PRINT x$;"H";SPC(90):PRINT SPC(90):PRINT SPC(90);x$"H";x$;"e";:GOTO 1190:GOTO 25000:END 1120 IF b$=CHR$(16) THEN PRINT CHR$(7);:IF zzz=5 THEN zzz$="":zzz=0 ELSE zzz=5:zzz$="PTR":LPRINT "Calculations: [total so far";CHR$(15);CHR$(27);"W";CHR$(1);USING f$;a#;:LPRINT "]" 1130 GOTO 1060 1140 IF INSTR("-.",c$) AND c$<>"" THEN RETURN ELSE IF 0=VAL(c$) THEN PRINT CHR$(7);:m$=b$:PRINT x$"H"m$:RETURN 1150 b#=VAL(c$):IF m$="+" THEN a#=a#+b# ELSE IF m$="-" THEN a#=a#-b# ELSE IF m$="X" THEN a#=a#*b# ELSE IF m$="/" THEN a#=a#/b# 1160 IF zzz=5 THEN LPRINT TAB(5) m$;USING f$;b#;:LPRINT TAB(30) USING f$; a#: 1170 PRINT x$;"X#08c";x$;"k":PRINT zzz$;TAB(5) m$;USING f$;b#;:PRINT TAB(30) USING f$; a#;:PRINT x$"j";x$"X >y";x$"H";:c$="":n%=0:r%=0:m$=b$ 1180 PRINT b$;:FOR a=1 TO 4: PRINT SPC(90):NEXT:PRINT:RETURN 1190 PRINT x$"HAnother calculation? (press y or n)":IF UPPER$(INPUT$(1))="Y" THEN PRINT x$"H NOTE: PRINTER IS NOW OFF!!! ":FOR a=1 TO 1000:NEXT:RUN 1200 PRINT x$"HDo you want to finish using then? (press y or n)":IF UPPER$(INPUT$(1))="Y" THEN PRINT x$"E"x$"HThank you. Please follow the instructions on the screen before you remove the disc.":GOTO 25000:SYSTEM 1210 PRINT x$"E"x$"H":GOTO 1190 1220 DATA ""," ","",""," ","",""," ","","" 1230 b$=CHR$(27):PRINT CHR$(7);CHR$(7);:RESUME 1110 25000 IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELS