10 PRINT"Scenario. You are a fisherman whose sole possessions are one solitary net and a bank 20 PRINT"manager who has offered you a £5,000 loan to start a new business. In your pocket is 30 PRINT"£200 (proceeds from selling your boat). Accordingly you have begun a business as a 40 PRINT"travelling salesman, buying only fish and nets. As you travel you will find that the 50 PRINT"local fishermen will shun you if you try to buy fish without owning a net. Your aim 60 PRINT"is to earn for yourself one million pounds.":PRINT 70 PRINT"It can be done. In each place prices of fish and nets wildly fluctuate. Sometimes 80 PRINT"you will make large profits, sometimes lose a fortune.":PRINT 90 PRINT"Warning. Each place you travel to you will have to pay for your living accomodation. 100 PRINT:PRINT"You are only permitted to make one transaction at each location. If you opt to 110 PRINT"travel instead, you need not make a transaction at that place. If you try to make 120 PRINT"an illegal transaction, you are forced to travel on.":PRINT 130 PRINT"So press any key to begin, and watch out. The receiver sells ALL your goods if you 140 PRINT"owe more that £5,000 to the bank. He does not negotiate favourable prices! 150 FOR a%=-32000 TO 32000:IF INKEY$="" THEN NEXT ELSE RANDOMIZE a% 1000 x$=CHR$(27):WIDTH 255:FOR a=0 TO 9:READ a(a),a$(a),b(a),c(a):NEXT:n=1:q=200 1010 DATA 178,desert,20,3,143,town,10,10,144,bush-land,15,10,180,forest,40,5,255,city,25,20,129,market,15,30,126,seaside,2,2,128,wall,15,0,159,net factory,4,30,162,home,10,10 1020 gos=gos+1:a=RND*9:z=b(a)*(RND*100):q=q-z:y=b(a)*(RND*10):x=c(a)*(RND*10):w=b(a)*(RND*120):v=c(a)*(RND*120) 1030 PRINT x$+"E";x$+"H":FOR c= 1 TO 10:PRINT STRING$(85,CHR$(a(a))):NEXT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT TAB(30) "WELCOME TO THE "UPPER$(a$(a)) 1040 IF q<0 THEN PRINT "... note: you are in debt." 1050 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT "You own £"q":"f"fish :"n"nets":PRINT "The cost of living is £"z:PRINT "Fish cost £"y"and sell at £"x:PRINT "Nets cost £"w"and sell at £"v 1060 PRINT "You have travelled to"gos"places already.":PRINT:PRINT "What next? [T]ravel, [S]ell or [B]uy? " 1070 z$=UPPER$(INPUT$(1)):IF z$="T" THEN 1090 ELSE IF z$="S" THEN PRINT "SELL...":ELSE IF z$="B" THEN PRINT "BUY...":ELSE PRINT CHR$(7);:GOTO 1070 1080 PRINT "... [F]ish or [N]ets? ":zz$=UPPER$(INPUT$(1)):IF zz$="F" OR zz$="N" THEN z$=z$+zz$:INPUT "How many? ",a:ELSE PRINT CHR$(7);:GOTO 1080 1090 IF z$="SF" AND f>=a THEN q=q+(x*a):f=f-a ELSE IF z$="BF" AND n>0 THEN f=f+a:q=q-(y*a) ELSE IF z$="SN" AND n>0 THEN n=n-a:q=q+(v*a) ELSE IF z$="BN" THEN n=n+a:q=q-(w*a) 1100 IF q<-5000 THEN PRINT x$+"E"+x$+"H";"Your debt is too much. The receiver has been called in to sell your assets.":q=q+(f*MIN(x,y))+(MIN(w,v)*n):f=0:n=0:FOR a=1 TO 5000:NEXT:IF q<-5000 THEN PRINT "You have lost!!! Debt: £"ABS(q):GOTO 25000:END 1110 IF q>1000000! THEN PRINT "You win... with £" USING "##############,.##";q: ELSE 1020 25000 IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to