3 OPTION RUN 5 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 10 PRINT"This program enables you to copy files without having to leave BASIC. You can only 20 PRINT"use it if your file is less than 16K long... but it will tell you if your file is 30 PRINT"too long. To use it... just type in the new name then the old name seperated by a 40 PRINT"comma, then press return. It's been tested on .COM files, and I don't know of any 50 PRINT"problems with it, but please satisfy yourself before you rely upon it." 60 PRINT:PRINT"Type in filenames like this:":PRINT" M:TEST.ASC,A:REV.DOC 70 PRINT"That should copy a file called REV.DOC on drive A: into drive M:, calling it TEST.ASC. 80 PRINT:PRINT"Regards,":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" Keith.":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 85 PRINT"Press [STOP] to stop or any other key to copy.":IF INPUT$(1)=CHR$(3) THEN 25000 90 FILES:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 1000 INPUT "New file,old file? ",z1$,z2$ 1010 IF FIND$(z2$)="" OR FIND$(z1$)<>"" THEN PRINT"File Error":END 1020 OPEN "r",1,z1$:OPEN "r",2,z2$:FIELD 1,128 AS z3$:FIELD 2,128 AS z4$ 1030 IF LOF(2)=128 THEN PRINT "File length exceeds 16K - can't copy":CLOSE 1,2:KILL z1$:GOTO 25000 1040 FOR z5=1 TO LOF(2):GET 2:LSET z3$=z4$:PUT 1:NEXT:CLOSE 1,2 25000 IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Pre