!#Exercise C. !# !# New keys: [R] [H] [.] and left hand shift. !# REVISION. Type these evenly & rapidly. !# |2aaa ;;; sss lll ddd kkk fff jjj aaa ;;; |2ded led fed fgf leg keg juj jug lug dug !# The [R] key. !# !#  Uså thå Æ finger®  Keeð [AÝ [SÝ [DÝ fingeró aô homå ¦  movå !# onlù thå Æ finger® !# Typå RAPIDLY. |3fff frf rrr fff frf rrr fff frf rrr frf |3frf fur fur frf far far frf jar jar frf |3frf err err frf ere ere frf are are frf |3frf red red frf rug rug frf are are frf !#  Thå  [.Ý key® !# !# Uså [LÝ finger® !# Keeð [;Ý fingeò anchoreä aô home. !# |3lll l.l ... lll l.l ... lll l.l ... l.l !# !#  Youò  armó shoulä noô flað arounä likå á pidgeoî  cominç  iî !# on á strafinç run. !# !# |3l.l dr. dr. l.l sr. sr. l.l fr. fr. l.l |3l.l Dr. Dr. l.l Sr. Sr. l.l Fr. Fr. l.l |3Dad fed us. See us. See Al. Ask Red. !# The [H] key. !# !#  Uså  thå [JÝ finger®  Anchoò thå Ë Ì »  fingeró  theî  racå !# througè thå exercises. !# |3jjj jhj hhh jjj jhj hhh jjj jhj hhh jhj |3jhj had had jhj hag hag jhj has has jhj |3jhj he; he; jhj she she jhj her her jhj |3jhj ash ash jhj hue hue jhj hug hug jhj !# The left [SHIFT] key. !# !#  Tï capitaliså letteró oî thå RHÓ oæ thå keyboard®  Keeð  [FÝ !# fingeò homå ¦ holä dowî lefô shifô keù witè [AÝ finger.Strikå !# thå letteò keù ¦ returî alì fingeró tï theiò homå position. |3aaa Jaa Jaa aaa Kaa Kaa aaa Laa Laa aaa |3aaa Jed Jed aaa Lea Lea aaa Hal Hal aaa |3aaa Her Her aaa Has Has aaa Had Had aaa |4aaa Use Use aaa Led Led aaa Les Les aaa !# !# !# MEASURE your progress. !# !# |2Hear dear gear ear; hues rues sues dues |2Hare dare fare are; reed reel reek reef |2Rash sash hash ash; Jake lake fake sake !# !# !# FINISH 2 copies of this line in less than 1 minute. !# !# |2Jed has a glue jar; Alf has a red desk. !# !# !# Buô you'vå goô á keyboard..(anä bloodù fingers)¬ luckù you¡ !# !#