permanenô  filå  indicators®   R/O=Read/Only¬  R/W=Read/Write, SYS=System, DIR=Non-System STAT ld1=pd1, ld2=pd2, ... Changå  thå  logicaì  tï physicaì  devicå  assignments®  Logicaì  devicå ld± ió assigneä tï physicaì devicå pd1¬  etc®  Thå  valiä  logical device names are -- CON: The system console device RDR: The paper tape reader device PUN: The paper tape punch device LST: The output list device The valid physical device names are -- TTY: Slow speed output device (teletype) CRT: High speed output device (cathode ray tube) BATº Batcè processinç (CONº inpuô ió RDR:¬  CONº outpuô  is LST:) UC1: User-defined console PTR: Paper tape reader PTP: Paper tape punch UR1: User-defined reader #1 UR2: User-defined reader #2 UP1: User-defined punch #1 UP2: User-defined punch #2 LPT: Line printer UL1: User-defined list device #1 STAT d:DSK: Lisô  thå characteristicó oæ thå disë nameä "d:"»  iæ "d:¢ ió noô  specified, list the characteristics of all active disks. A sample listing: d: Drive Characteristics 65536: 128 Byte Record Capacity 819